TD 07 Supply of loader 4196 from 04.12.2023. |
Public utility Vodovod Vranje intends to award a supply contract for supply of loader in Kumanovo with financial assistance from the IPA Cross – Border Cooperation Programme Serbia – North Macedonia 2014 – 2020. The tender dossier is available from project office str. Beogradska no.63, Vranje and will also be published on the web site of the Public utility Vodovod Vranje https://vodovodvranje.rs.
The deadline for submission of tenders is 12.01.2024.
Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the web site of the Public utility Vodovod Vranje https://vodovodvranje.rs
ТД 07 Набавка комбиноване машине Број: 4196 од 04.12.2023. |
ЈП “Водовод“ Врање расписује позив о набавци Комбиноване машине – утоваривача уз финансијску помоћ ИПА Програма прекограничне сарадње Србија – Северна Македонија 2014 – 2020. Тендерски досије је доступан у пројектној канцеларији ул. Београдска бр.63, Врање и на сајту ЈКП Водовод Врање у форми докумената за преузимање.
Рок за подношење понуда је 12.01.2024.
Сва документација се попуњава на енглеском језику.
Измена тендера
II.1.1) Contract Notice Title: Supply of loader
II.1.1) Contract Notice Reference Number: 4196 from 04.12.2023.
Modification of original information submitted by the contracting authority.
VII.1.2) Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section No IV.2.2) Time limit for submission of tenders or requests to participate
Instead of: Date: 12.01.2024.
Local Time : 16:00h
Read: Date: 19.01.2024.
Local Time : 16:00h
Section No IV.2.7) Conditions for opening of tenders
Instead of: Date: 19.01.2024.
Local time*: 12:00 p.m. h
Place: Vranje
Read: Date: 26.01.2024.
Local time*: 12:00 p.m. h
Place: Vranje
VII.2) Other additional information:
Tender guarantee form has been corrected.
Instead of: The law applicable to this guarantee shall be that of North Macedonia. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this guarantee shall be referred to the courts of North Macedonia.
Read: The law applicable to this guarantee shall be that of Serbia. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this guarantee shall be referred to the courts of Serbia.
Corrected version of the Tender guarantee form is attached
All other terms and conditions of the contract notice remain unchanged. The above alterations and/or corrections to the contract notice are integral part of the contract notice.
Питања и одговори
1. Question for public procurement ref. no. 4196
– Public utility Vodovod
Vranje for the supply of loader in Kumanovo with financial assistance
from the IPA Cross–Border Cooperation Programme Serbia – North Macedonia
2014 – 2020. Contact person: Predrag Janjić
Contact person: Predrag Janjić
Text of question:
As an interested tenderer in the aforementioned public procurement
procedure, we are interested in is there a possibility of changing the
technical characteristics of the machine, in the part of the tender
OFFER. Is there a possibility that the contracting authority will
consider changing the required characteristics of the loader below, how
many more participants could submit the offer in this public
1. Engine power max 70 kW – Can you please change this to engine power
max 75 kW? On this way there will be more potential offers on the
project and bigger power is also better for the end user;
2. Machine weight 8.000 – 9.000 kg – Can you please change this to
machine weight min 9.000 kg? Our machine is 2% heavier than the
requested maximal level, and for the end user is also better to have
more heavier machine for HD condition works;
3. Minimal pressure for hydraulic oil 250 bar? Can you please change
this condition to hydraulic pressure 250 bar ± 10%? The tolerance of 10%
is enough wide for competition. Otherwise, this condition will limit the
competitors for the current project;
4. Transport length max 5,7 m – Can you please change this condition to
transport length max 6,1 m? The requested value is too short for many
European producers and it limits the competition;
5. Requested capacity of the fuel tank 160 l – Can you please change
this condition to the requested capacity of the fuel tank 160 l ± 15%?
In this way you will increase the number of potential participants;
6. Requested minimal digging depth without quick coupler 5,9 m. Can you
please change this condition to the requested minimal digging depth
without a quick coupler of 5,6 m? This will also increase the number of
potential competitors;
1. The answer:
“ Regarding the set of your questions about changes related to the specification of the machine,
we state that after the publication of the tender, no change in the specifications of the subject of the tender is possible.“